Recently, a DaVinci painting sold for 450 million dollars at an auction which is surprisingly low (the artist's inventory is just under 20 paintings) for such a rare find. What is shocking to me is the fact that the buyer ( who is nameless) bought it based on the hype generated by the auction house.
Clearly, anyone can see that it is a flawed painting in that some sections have warn down and that solid color for a background does not look like a DaVinci at all. If you use the Mona Lisa as a reference, you can see that DaVinci took more time to paint the details of the background than the actual figure itself.
My personal opinion is that this painting is knock-off of a DaVinci work, completed by an unskilled apprentice around the same time as DaVinci (1500AD). I am no scholar nor do I hold a degree in art history. My only knowledge is that I have practiced oil painting for 15+ years and know this is not legit. There needed to be more time to study the work of art to find out who the artist really is but apparently the auction house had no time, they wanted the money now.